24.03.2012 – 13 years since the NATO bombing!

Posted on 24/03/2012

Tadic said: NATO bombing is a crime!

He said his own, and we say that the NATO attack with long-term destruction of the same GENOCIDE over many generations that have lived and of those who need to come!

On this day 13 years ago, NATO began bombing Beznednosti without permission of the Council that it can use force against the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

The aim of the NATO bombing campaign was to support Shiptar terrorists who attacked and killed Serbian policemen and soldiers and urišavali presence of the State in this area.

The goal Shiptar extremists was getting out of the Republic of Serbia and the impact of the abolition of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija.

NATO bombing campaign lasted 78 days where they were civilians (men, women and children) ubiajani both soldiers and officers in these air attacks. Destroyed the economic good of a country, destroyed schools, hospitals, bridges and roads!

Damage exceeds a value of over $ 200 billion not including the systematic destruction of technology and the younger generation, expulsion of Serbs from their living room in Kosovo, create derivative over 5000 disabled people and unfit for normal life. In addition to the damage caused by the current long-term consequences we can add the catastrophic effect of long-term destruction of all that is upoterba and radioactive depleted uranium. Kasatne bombs that are not decontaminated are all potential danger.

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